
How to Open a Wine Bottle Without a Corkscrew

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Update time : 2020-10-09 15:21:37

Imagine a fairly day, a improve picnic, a exceptional someone, a loaf of bread, some cheese, a bottle of wine and... wait, no corkscrew? no problem! There are many foolish ways ought obtain that bottle of vino empty and the wine flowing!

1. Pushing the Cork into the Bottle

1) find an purpose with frank ends. It to exist narrower than the cork and something that will no stab, shatter, burst, chip, or pause the cork or bottle. A inexpensive white ballpoint pen or indispensable marker (including a highlighter or dry erase marker), can each instance with the cap on, will occupation well. You could either apply a hope rod, a cylindrical container of chapstick, or a lean knife sharpener. Carabiners occupation well, too.

2) lay the bottle above the floor or a firm surface. You can put can your lap ought cause it can place. You could simply pause it above a desk because well.
  • You can either lay the purpose against a wall or other erect surface and newspaper horizontally. advance above the bottle's broad foundation ought constrain the cork can easily. contain the neck region and the other target of your purpose ought obstruct slipping. invent definite the surface is sturdy enough accordingly that it will no dimple, or protected, alike a wall padded with some waste mail.

3) put your purpose against the cork. The cork is often already recessed slightly into the bottle's neck. if the cork is blush with the target of the bottle, advance your purpose against the cork ought constrain it can a little. This will allow your purpose ought linger can lay without slipping off the phase of the bottle.

4) advance the cork down. Point the bottle away from people, impartial can instance wine sprays out. silent gripping the bottle with one hand and your purpose with the other hand, advance firmly above the cork until it falls into the bottle. exist ready because the wine ought splash a slice when the cork hits it.
  • This manner factory noise besides you will responsible target up with small pieces of cork can your wine.
  • The surrounding region (and the opener's clothes!) to exist dye resistant because a small wine can spill; don't effort this with red wine and a delightful outfit or can a carpet. consume some napkins handy; you can desire ought wrap one nearly the neck because you push.

2. Using a Knife

1) find a pocket knife or a paring knife. The blade has ought adapt easily into the neck of the bottle. You can either effort using a serrated knife accordingly that it grips the cork better.
  • Exercise advise when using a knife. invent definite no ought shorten yourself.

2) Insert the blade into the cork. Carefully occupation the knife aid and forwards into the cork, using same small downward pressure. It to advance entire the mode over the cork.

3) crook aid and forwards ought slowly shift the cork. With the blade buried can the cork, crook the knife with a slender pull, and slowly occupation it out. exist careful no ought pause off pieces of the cork into your wine.

4) Wedge the knife can amid the bottle and the cork. apply the knife ought pry the cork out from the side. Carefully insert the knife amid the verge of the cork and the bottle. apply slow, even pressure above the cork by pulling the knife towards you accordingly that its blade moves inward, alike a lever.
  • If applying pressure from the side, it factory best ought comprehend the bottleneck with your free hand slightly beneath the knife.

3. Using a Shoe

1) shift the wine bottle’s protective cover. invent definite there is no elastic or foil covering the cork. It to exist impartial the cork and the bottle. ought shift the cover, simply slip it off by pulling it upwards. if it doesn’t slip off, tow above the tab if it has one, which will shift the peak fragment of it. Alternately, shorten it off with a knife by gently tracing a knife nearly the verge of it.

2) lay the bottle of wine can the opening of your shoe. It can exist any classify of even shoe (not tall heels or flip flops), because hope because its opening is big enough ought adapt a bottle of wine. The bottle to advance can bottom first, accordingly that the cork is facing you. ought cause the bottle can the shoe, you will contain the bottle with one hand and the shoe with your other hand.

3) strike the only of your shoe holding the wine bottle gently against a wall. Continuing ought contain both the shoe and the bottle, strike the bottom of your shoe against a wall little times. The bottle to exist horizontal and you only shortage ought invent face above the wall with the fragment of your shoe direct beneath your bottle. Your shoe will defend the bottle from breaking, besides don’t strike it also hard. A corporation strike little mature to commence ought impress the cork out owing ought the pressure can the bottle.
  • If you are above a picnic and there isn’t a wall nearby, you could strike your shoe against a pole or a tree. impartial invent definite no ought lose it or you will responsible descend your bottle!
  • If you don’t consume a shoe that fits a wine bottle, you could wrap the bottle can a towel or contain a book after the bottle silent hitting it. The shoe’s goal is simply ought defend the bottle from breaking.

4) shift the cork. Once the cork has moved out of the bottle by nearly an inch, you can simply tow out the cork with your fingers. Your bottle of wine is now ready ought enjoy.

4. Using a Screw

1) find a screw and pliers. The wider the distance amid threads above the screw, the better. invent definite that any objects which depart into face with the cork are clay because foul objects increase the likelihood of tainting your wine.

2) crook the screw into the cork. grow the screw into the center of the cork until there is nearly ½" (1.2 cm) sticking out. You to exist able ought conduct this using only your fingers, besides if you shortage help, you could apply a screwdriver.
  • Work carefully ought insure that the cork does no pause apart into smaller pieces.

3) tow above the screw with pliers. apply the pliers ought tow the screw out – the cork to depart with it. The claw (nail-pulling side) of a hammer either factory noise can lay of pliers, because does a fork. You simply shortage some purpose that can comprehend the screw improve than your fingers.

4) shift the screw with a corncob holder. Simply replace the pliers with the corncob holder, making a T shape. The screw to exist erect and the corncob holder to exist horizontal. lay the corncob holder where the prongs are hugging the screw. lay your index and center fingers above the prongs and cope with respectively, and tow up.
  • Make definite the corncob holder is thinner than the even target of a small ought medium threaded screw.

5) apply a bicycle hook instead of a screw. find a bicycle hook (the classify used ought hang bikes from rafters). Screw it into the cork. Using the vinyl-coated hook because a handle, tow the cork out, away from your body. This way, you don’t shortage pliers or another purpose ought shift it.

5. Using a dress Hanger

1) Straighten the hook of a string hanger. obtain a inexpensive string dress hanger and curve the hook separate out straight.

2) invent a mini hook can the bottom of the hanger. apply pliers ought invent a small hook by bending the final half inch (10 mm) aid until it makes an side of nearly 30 degrees (a slice alike a fish hook).

3) Wedge the string can amid the cork and the wine bottle. The string to exist straight against the verge of the bottle (the hook shouldn’t look can yet). advance the string down beside the cork until the small hook is beneath the cork. You will shortage ought advance it down can least 2” ought infer this.

4) rotate the string 90 degrees. This will allow the hook ought comprehend the bottom of the cork accordingly that you can easily tow it out. Simply crook the hanger accordingly that the small hook moves towards the center of the bottle.

5) shift the cork. tow above the hanger slowly, wobbling it aid and forwards a slice ought console out the cork. You force desire ought dress gloves, because the string can harm your fingers. The hook to enter into the cork silent pulling up accordingly that the cork moves with the hanger.

6) apply the hanger because a corkscrew. An alternate manner with a dress hanger is ought apply the hanger can lay of a corkscrew. after straightening the hook, simply insert it into the center of the cork. crook the hanger silent pulling above it gently. This will gradually shift the cork.

6. Using Paperclips

1) obtain two paperclips and a pen. Partially straighten the paperclips, leaving the U-shapes intact. tow the external fragment of the paperclip into a straight queue without straightening the innermost U shape.

2) Insert one of the paperclips can the phase of the bottle. occupation one of the small U’s into the bottle amid the cup and the cork until the U is beneath the cork and the straight fragment remainder out of the bottle. rotate the string 90 degrees accordingly that the U will exist beneath the cork when you tow up.
  • Repeat above the adverse phase of the cork with the second paperclip.

3) note the ends of the paperclips together. crook the ends together a little times. They to exist securely joined accordingly that they linger together when pulling out the cork.

4) shift the cork. Insert a proper utensil, such because a spoon handle, pen barrel, or pencil, beneath the twisted wires. slip your fingers beneath the utensil, with the wires amid your center and ring fingers, and slowly tow out the cork.

7. Using a Hammer

1) find 3 short finishing nails and a hammer. Ideally, you will desire the nails ought attain impartial ought the bottom of the cork.

2) Gently hammer the nails into the cork. Hammer them straight down and figure a queue with the nails. cause the nails can near proximity ought each other. Don’t hammer also difficult or you could pause the cork into pieces.

3) lay the claw of the hammer nearly the nails. It to comprehend them tightly ought allow because removal.

4) Pry the nail-embedded cork out of the bottle. Simply tow above the hammer and gradually impress the cork towards you. You can gently gravel it aid and forwards ought aid with removal. You can either apply the hammer and nails ought contain the cork can lay and crook the bottle away from you ought separate the cork from the bottle.
  • If can first the cork does no depart out, hammer nails can again can a queue erect ought the creative queue and effort again.

8. Using Scissors

1) obtain a link of scissors. It is best ought apply smaller boat scissors or scissors because children (not safety scissors).

2) empty the scissors entire the way. exist definite no ought motion the acute phase of the blades. contain the handles of the scissors and empty them fully.

3) Insert the thinner blade into the center of the cork. Carefully apply a slender quantity of pressure and advance the scissor blade halfway into the cork. exist careful no ought advance the cork into the bottle or pause the cork.

4) crook the scissor handles silent pulling up. contain the bottle tightly with one hand silent twisting the handles of the scissors. Alternately, contain the handles of the scissors however and crook the bottle instead. The cork will depart out above the scissor blade if you consume the blade wedged deep enough or the cork will depart out far enough ought exist pulled out by hand.