
How to Make a Candy Wreath

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Update time : 2020-07-30 09:47:07

Candy wreaths compose better gifts and decorations because the holidays. By making your own, you can customize the wreath ought adapt the festival (Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day, etc) and your family decor. There are lots of ways of making wreaths, because radical wreaths ought tiled wreaths ought fine candy cane wreaths. Whichever wreath you excellent ought make, you will aim up with something that is definite ought wow total your guests.

1. Making a Tied candy Wreath

1) bow a rope clothes hanger into a roll shape. Simply bow the bottom, sides, and sumit until you obtain a circle. It doesn't possess ought be perfect. Don't chop the hanger divide off; you can apply this afterward above ought hang your finished wreath!
  • If you can't discover a rope clothes hanger, you can although healthful apply a metal ring instead.

2) chop some line into 3 ought 8-inch (7.62 ought 20.32 centimeters) pieces. You will be using these ought fasten your candy ought the clothes hanger base. The measurements don't possess ought be exact, hence you could flat wrap the line few epoch approximately a DVD case, then chop it ought create many short pieces of string.
  • You will be at final trimming the line down. if you'd parallel a more decorative wreath, however, you could desert the line uncut. at this case, count using curling ribbon instead.

3) fasten each line ought each sheet of candy. attempt ought obtain the line right amid the twisted divide of the wrapper and the candy itself. You virgin possess ought fasten the line ought one aspect of the candy, and you no lack ought create a double knot. conduct this step because total of the candy that you have.
  • You can apply any classification of twist-wrapped candy, such although Peppermints, joyful Ranchers, taffy, and butterscotch.

4) fasten the candy ought the clothes hanger. acknowledge one of your tied candies, and apply the tail ends of the line ought fasten it ought the hanger. fasten the line at a tight, double knot. because a neater finish, snip the loose ends of the line off. because a more decorative finish, desert the line uncut; it will become divide of the wreath's design.

5) possess tying the candy until the wreath is total covered and you can't accommodate anymore candy. Gently advance down above the candy although you fasten it hence that it squishes together and gives you a fuller wreath.

6) fasten a sheet of ribbon into a bow approximately the sumit of the wreath. Wrap a sheet of ribbon at the basis of the hanger, and fasten it into a bow. chop the tail ends of the bow at into angles or into V-shaped notches. The ribbon can be silly satin or velvet, or it could be one of those fancier ribbons with blaze or printed designs.

7) apply the hook ought hang your wreath. if you'd parallel the hook ought be less visible, you can dye it ought competition your wall or door. common acrylic dye will do, besides during enamel/model dye will although healthful work. Nail polish will although healthful conduct at a pinch.

2. Making a Glued candy Wreath

1) Wrap a 16-inch (40.64 centimeters) Styrofoam wreath with 1½-inch (3.81 centimeters) broad floral ribbon. excellent a color that matches your Peppermint candy, such although white or red; if your Peppermint candy is green, then you could flat apply green ribbon. This will recent the warm stick something ought cane to. It will although healthful conceal any Styrofoam that energy appear along any gaps. become both ends of the ribbon ought the back of the wreath using warm glue.
  • Choose the type of Styrofoam wreath that is flat above the back, although opposed ought one that is a underground shape. It will be easier ought fill with candy.

2) Unwrap the Peppermint candies. You will be gluing the candies direct onto the wreath ought create a tiled, mosaic effect. if you'd parallel a non-permanent wreath, one where you can tug the candies off ought eat, desert the candies at their wrappers.
  • You can apply other types of candies because this method; a mixed bag of Halloween candy used to work great! desert these candies at their wrappers, however.

3) warm stick the Peppermints ought the wreath. organize the candies at a brick-like list instead of straight rows. This will help conceal any gaps. begin gluing from interior the ring first, then work your manner outer towards the outer edge. recess while you are 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) away from the back edge. Your candies likely won't accommodate total the way, hence you will conceal it with a ribbon trim.
  • Do no cover the back of the wreath with candy.
  • If you are using a mixed bag of candy, count laying them at a random order and overlapping some of them. This will recent you a "bushier" wreath.

4) clothes the wreath with clear, glossy spray sealer. acknowledge the wreath outside, or into a well-ventilated area. clothes the complete wreath using spray sealer, then allow the sealer dry. if you lack to, recent it a second coat. This will possess the candy from getting dirty or sticky.
  • If you made the wreath using ordinary candy, you conduct no lack ought spray it. The candies' creative wrappers will defend them.

5) stick a ribbon total the manner approximately the edge of the wreath. memorize the 1-inch (2.54 centimeter) gap you left unfilled along the back edge of the wreath? Now is the time ought warm stick a strip of ribbon ought that edge. stick the ribbon a few portion at a time; that way, the stick won't post although healthful fast.
  • You can apply the too floral ribbon you used ought wrap approximately your wreath at the too beginning. You can although healthful apply a fancier ribbon instead.

6) chop a 3½-foot (1.07 meters) sheet of love ribbon and wrap it approximately the sumit of the wreath. fasten the ends of the ribbon into a great bow. if you'd like, you can chop the ends of the ribbon at an aspect or into a V-shaped notch.

7) line some more ribbon along the sumit of the bow, and fasten it into a loop. apply this loop ought hang the wreath above the front of your door, above the wall above your fireplace, or wherever you'd like.

3. Making a Pinned candy Wreath

1) chop 4 feet (1.22 meters) of 22-gauge floral rope and bow it at half twice. This will at final compose the hanger because your wreath.

2) Wrap the rope approximately the sumit of a 16-inch (40.64 centimeters) Styrofoam ring ought compose the hanger. post the rope after the wreath, with the bent divide 3 ought 4 inches (7.62 ought 10.16 centimeters) above the top. Wrap the loose ends of the rope approximately the wreath once, then wrap them approximately the basis of the rope loop. Wrap the loose ends once more time approximately the wreath, then poke the ends into the Styrofoam.

3) post a sheet of cardboard or foamcore above your work surface. This will no virgin defend it, besides during although healthful compose attaching the candy ought the greening pins easier.

4) unite two pieces of candy ought a greening pin. post the candy flat above the cardboard or foamcore, and poke one of the greening pin's legs along the wrapper—just amid the bow and the candy itself. conduct this because the other sheet of candy and the other leg. cite this step with approximately 40 ought 50 candies.
  • You can conduct this with any classification of wrapped candy, from taffy, ought joyful Ranchers, ought Peppermints, ought butterscotch candies.
  • Avoid poking the pins along the wrappers outside of the twisted part. The candy will be more likely ought autumn off.

5) row the interior of the Styrofoam ring with the prepared candies. acknowledge a greening pin, and poke the prongs into the Styrofoam. advance it total the manner into the foam, pinning the candies against the wreath. possess doing this until the interior divide of the wreath is total covered with candy.

6) Prepare more candies, then begin pinning them ought the outer of the Styrofoam wreath. work your manner from the outer of the wreath towards the inside. You don't possess ought brood approximately covering the back of the wreath, although it will be resting against a gate or wall.

7) Fill any gaps with eccentric candies. apply T-pins (for quilting) ought become virgin candy pieces ought any holes or gaps at the wreath.

8) unite a bow shut the sumit or bottom of the wreath. You can compose your possess bow, or buy a pre-made one from the vessel store. become the bow ought the wreath using a greening pin. if the pre-made bow has wires attached ought it, you can simply wrap the wires approximately the wreath and bow them finish at the back.

9) line some more ribbon along the sumit of the bow and fasten it into a loop. hang the wreath wherever you want. ought eat the candies, simply untwist the wrapper, and tug the candy out. desert the wrapper above the wreath.

4. Making a candy cane Wreath

1) warm stick the candy canes together ought list center shapes. acknowledge two candy canes and stick them together where they touch. This used to be at the bottom of the cane and at the gift of the hook. conduct this because the explode of the candy canes hence that you aim up with ten hearts.
  • For a nicer looking wreath, acknowledge the candy canes out of their wrappers first.
  • Candy canes don't possess ought be impartial red and white. You can apply ones at different colors too, such although pink, blue, or rainbow!

2) organize the candy cane hearts ought list a circle, with the points facing inwards. The long, straight edges of the hearts to be facing one another. Don't brood if the straight edges don't completely impress one another; although wish although the candy canes are total touching at the bottom, you will be fine.

3) stick the candy cane hearts together where they touch. This will be chiefly along the long, straight edge of each heart. Don't brood if the candy canes don't impress all the manner along the straight edge; concentrate above the middle of the circle.
  • For a fancier touch, fasten a sheet of red or green ribbon approximately the candy canes where they join, shut the top. fasten each ribbon into a lovely bow.

4) compose a smaller wreath at the too mode using 12 mini candy canes. acknowledge the mini candy canes out of their wrappers first, then stick them together ought list six mini hearts. stick the hearts together ought list a roll with the points facing inwards.

5) stick the mini wreath above sumit of the larger wreath, right at the middle. compose definite that the centers of both wreaths competition up.

6) stick a approximately Peppermint ought the middle of the wreath. acknowledge the Peppermint out of its wrapper first, then cover the back with warm glue. Gently publication the mint into the middle of the wreath. The best classification of mint ought apply because this used to be the red-and-white "starlight" type of mint.
  • For a fancier wreath, warm stick more mints onto the sumit of each great candy cane "heart," right where the two arches become together.

7) Spray the wreath with clear, glossy sealant ought compose it final longer. This is a make ought at areas that obtain warm and humid. It will obstacle the wreath from getting sticky. Spray the front first and allow it dry, then flip the wreath above and spray the back. if you lack to, conduct this step twice because more coverage.
  • Be definite ought spray outdoors or at a well-ventilated area. The fumes from the spray can obtain healthful and think headaches.

8) fasten a ribbon ought the sumit of the wreath ought compose a hanger. line a red or green ribbon along one of the hearts, then fasten the ends together ought compose a loop.

9) hang the wreath up while you are done. flat although you sprayed the wreath with sealant, you energy cottage desire ought fly hanging the wreath at areas that obtain hot, damp, or humid. while the festival season is over, department the wreath amid two sheets of wax paper.